Family photographer in Nice, Cannes, Monaco: pregnancy, children, anniversary

Each family is a small universe with rules, funny traditions, and values. Hot pancakes on Sundays, joint trips to the cinema, and an amusement park … Family happiness is quiet, woven from simple, often elusive, but warm moments.

Capturing and remembering each of these moments is impossible. But some, valuable ones, can be saved in a photo.

A photo session with a family and children’s photographer in Nice will return to warm joyful memories in the future. You can order photography for any joyful or solemn family event, choose a photo session as a gift, or arrange a holiday for yourself and your family just like that. The service is available in the Côte d’Azur cities – Nice, Cannes, Monaco.

Family photo session formats

Shooting for pregnant women.

Expecting a child is a unique experience for a woman because it is difficult to find a stronger bond than between mother and child. A photo session at any stage of pregnancy is a beautiful idea to inspire the future mother, as well as a chance to capture the absolute beauty of motherhood in the frame. Sunny views of the Cote d’Azur of France or the comfort of a professional photo studio – regardless of the place, together with the photographer, you will be able to create a beautiful image of your pregnancy!

Christening photographer.
In many families, baptism is a holiday that is usually celebrated with relatives and friends. Want to remember your baby’s christening day? Or in the future to show him memorable shots? Then invite a photographer to the christening: for the ceremonies all over the French Riviera and Monaco.

Photographer for events.

Birthday remains a favorite family holiday for both children and adults. Often we do not have enough time to see loved ones. Sometimes a birthday party becomes the only occasion to meet. So why not invite a professional photographer to capture the birthday celebration against the backdrop of the Cote d’Azur landscapes or in a studio decorated with special decorations?

For a family photoshoot with a professional photographer, you don’t have to wait for a reason: there will be plenty of space in your home album for memorable shots with your family. Family photography is the perfect way to spend time together, refresh the usual course of life, or capture the memories of an exciting family trip in the frame.

Family photoshoot on the Cote d’Azur is a great gift!
A family photoshoot in Nice, Cannes, Monaco is a worthy gift for newlyweds, young parents, anniversaries. A professional photographer will offer interesting ideas for locations and images so that the finished shots evoke a flurry of positive.

How does a family photographer work?

Family and children’s photographer works in different conditions. It can be a sunny location in the French cities of Nice or Cannes, as well as in the Principality of Monaco, or renting a decorated photo studio. If desired, shooting is carried out in any other room – for example, in a house or hotel – using mobile studio lighting. Preparation and photo shooting.

A photo session precedes a little preparation:

  1. Acquaintance with a family photographer, discussion of shooting (euro/hour).
  2. Approval of the theme and style of the photo session.
  3. Choosing a place for a family photoshoot – locations in Nice, Cannes, Monaco.
  4. Joint choice of clothes, shoes, jewelry – for the image of each person.

Finally, after that, you can start the photoshoot.

You will receive ready-made photos with professional processing in just 7 days! The price of a family photo session in Nice, Cannes and Monaco starts at 150 euros. See the full price list in the “Prices” section.

The services of a family photographer are not just an opportunity to get a series of beautiful professional shots against the backdrop of the landscapes of the Cote d’Azur of France, but also a wonderful opportunity to have a great time with the people dearest in your life!

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